Cyrus Struble
Full-Stack Web Developer


Hey there. My name's Cyrus.

I'm a full-stack web developer specializing in Java, Angular, and SQL databases. I pride myself on my ability to pick up new concepts quickly and my unwavering focus on best practice.


Here's just a few of the technologies I've worked with:

  • Java with Spring MVC as well as Jersey for RESTful services
  • PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, and MongoDB databases
  • ELK stack, including development of custom Elasticsearch and Kibana plugins
  • Puppet module development for application deployment and change management
  • Jenkins for the creation and management of dev-ops pipelines
  • AngularJS as well as Angular 4+ for interactive, asynchronous user experiences
Todo-NG - A simple todo-list written in Angular 4


A simple todo-list app that I wrote while learning about Angular 4 and RxJS Observables.

Todo-NG utilizes Angular's MockBackend to simulate a backend with HTML5 local storage, meaning that user data will persist only for that user. Give it a try! See the source here